I bit the bullet and decided to update from rev 3 of Joomla. It was not without significant pain. Midway through the upgrade I saw that rev 4 had gone to rev 5. Not wishing to be rev locked again ( That was the objective) I moved straight to rev 5. I did this by upgrading on a local server using mySQL 8. I backed the site up and then moved it to my hosting company. Everything worked fine until I got my first notice of a new revision. It would not let me update because it said there was a requirement for MySQL 8. So once again I am rev locked. All that upgrade work was for naught. Crushed and disappointed.
My question is: What in MySQL 8 is actually used differently than MySQL 5 so I can perhaps determine what to stay clear of. If it is some future requirement can you take out the 8 requirement and allow me to update?
My question is: What in MySQL 8 is actually used differently than MySQL 5 so I can perhaps determine what to stay clear of. If it is some future requirement can you take out the 8 requirement and allow me to update?
Statistics: Posted by RW-NWPA — Fri Feb 02, 2024 4:19 pm